Sunday, March 18, 2012

Mind Your Manners

My sister is expecting her first baby and is due in late summer/early fall.  Super exciting!  I was fortunate enough to recently go with her for a doctor appointment and see an ultrasound.  The whole experience was amazing!  The baby thing is new for me and I definitely need a learning curve.  I feel like I don't know the right things to say and inadvertently offend my sister.  For instance, while watching the ultrasound, all I could say was "how weird," "that's so weird" and "oh my gosh!"

After some thinking, I realized I should check my Emily Post's Etiquette book for info.  Below are a couple of pointers from "Emily Post's ETIQUETTE, 18th Edition, Manners For A New World,"  by Peggy Post, Anna Post, Lizzie Post, Daniel Post Senning. 

  • Tell the couple how happy you are to hear their good news.
  • Offer to help out when you can, especially as it gets closer to the baby's arrival.
  • Avoid asking personal questions that may put the mother or the couple on the spot:
    • Have you been trying long?
    • You look quite big.  Is the baby due soon?
    • Do you know who the father is?  (That's my personal favorite!  Seriously, why would you EVER ask someone that?  Ha!)
Lastly, "don't just assume someone is pregnant and ask, 'When are you due?'"  Um, haven't enough people stuck their foot in their mouth and made this mistake?  Who on earth would still ask that?!? 

Anywho, while Emily Post didn't have much advice for me this time, I have learned that taking special care in choosing my words wisely when discussing a pregnancy, new baby or children, is the best bet.  Upsetting a hormonal pregnant woman is NEVER a good idea!

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