Friday, July 25, 2008

There's A New Doc On The Block

Meet Dr. McDealy! The crack dealer is wearing scrubs today! While I was watering my plants before work this morning, (please note that the time was not even 8am) I see a lady unloading pillows from a brown cart into the dumpster area. Hmmm... My initial thought was, "wow, there really are squatters living back there." Poor girl, she was so tired, she went to lay down. Literally 30 seconds later Dr. McDealy goes into the dumpster area. I promptly revised my initial thought to "well, guess that's his professional friend." He was in and out for a few minutes but finally stayed in.

Um... ok? If this young lady is in fact a working "professional," let's hope she brings her own protection since she brings her own pillows!

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