Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Lottery Heaven!

I didn't actually win the lottery, but I think I've come as close as possible without actually winning money.

Setup: I made a WallyWorld run last night to stock up on $3 bottles of wine.

So how did I win the lottery you ask? 97¢ Natty Lite and Bud Ice tall boys!!! Hahaha! I am so golden for the pool this weekend. Favorite quote from Amy, "Yeh, Bud Ice. I don't play around!"

You stay classy Wally.


Anonymous said...

I didn't think you could stink so low. BUD ICE?!!!

Anonymous said...

hellllls ya! Better than Natty light, shiiiiit. Make sure they are still in the fridge for me Suzy! I know how much you like to have late night beer binges!