Friday, August 8, 2008


It's the weekend!!! Time to party! New flirty dress - check! Strappy sandals - check! Moola - sorta check! Plan to get you and your drunk friends home - uh...

Don't worry! Three words: Wingman Chauffer Service.

You may, or may not, need a wingman to pick up dates, but if you are going out this weekend, you DEFINITELY need this wingman. Here's the skinny: You're out with friends and at the end of the night, not only are you seeing double vodka cranberries, but you see double everything else, too. Clearly, driving your car home is not an option. Cabs are expensive and finding your car through hangover haze is never a pleasant experience.

Enter Wingman. When you call Wingman, a guy on a moped shows up, folds up his scooter and puts it in the back of your vehicle, then drives you and your friends home in YOUR car! The only thing you have to worry about the next morning through hangover haze is finding the pizza delivery number.

Wingman is open 7 days a week, 8pm - 3am. They will also contract out drivers for special events and make reservations prior to 8pm for medical visits. (Laser eye surgery + driving = disaster. Call Wingman!)

I have used this service before and it's AWESOME! It only costs $20 and $2 per mile. Splitting that between friends totally makes it more affordable than roundtrip cab rides. Heck, I'd pay $20 NOT to deal with Dallas cab drivers! If you don't want peeps crashing on your couch, Wingman will drop them off for an additional $5. While I have yet to find any downfalls to Wingman, the only thing I would suggest is to call prior to bar close. It typically takes them about 20 minutes to arrive.

Ready to paint the town red - check!

Wingman Chauffer Service 214.965.0808

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