Monday, August 11, 2008

SIlly Sentiments

While hanging out with my friend Amy (shout out!) this evening, I RANDOMLY think of a song an older gentleman used to tell me about. Don't think "older gentleman" in a creepy sense. We became friends from one of my jobs in high school.

His wife died several years before I met him and his family lived kinda far. He would tell me about this song, Stranger On The Shore, that he and his wife would listen to. It is a clarinet instrumental written by Acker Bilk. (Weird but still a cool name.) In 1962 Andy Williams recorded a vocal version.

It is smooth jazz and cheesy but old-school awesome. For some reason, I thought of the song tonight and I want to share it with you guys. Here it is for your listening pleasure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it is a pretty cool song... I've always liked the clarinet... Maybe because I grew up listening to Benny Goodman with my dad...

Although I could do without the chest hair. A weee bit distracting from the song...